10-channel LoraWAN Gateway with Raspberry Pi and Dragino PG1301
IoT, the Internet of Things, is becoming more and more important and in addition to commercial products and services, the public and open source community is of course also growing. A very exciting project is here at The Things Network.
The Things Network is about enabling low power Devices to use long range Gateways to connect to an open-source, decentralized Network to exchange data with Applications.
Well I also wanted to be part of this community and started planning and building a gateway. Here is the result.
In addition to this article I will divide the whole project so as not to go beyond the scope. Besides the construction of the mechanics, 3D printing, electrics, which is described in this article, I used the following instructions.
- Setup Dragino Firmware [LINK]
- Integration into The Thing Network
- Temperature and humidity control
- Read and sending the climate data via Node-RED and MQTT [LINK]
- Multi channel gateway
- Compatible with The Things Network (TTN)
- Basic system Rasperry Pi / Linux
- Integration of own software (Node-RED, MQTT)
- LAN/WLAN connectivity
- GPRS/GSM connectivity (optional)
- Operating voltage 10 – 30VDC
- Budget as low as possible (below Euro 250.-)
- DIY suitable (3D printing)
- Air-conditioned outdoor enclosure (Condensed water, solar radiation)
Material list
Part | QTY | Source | Price |
Housing tube | 1 | https://amzn.to/3bjayn3 | 2 |
Raspberry PI3 B+ | 1 | https://amzn.to/2weUHqN | 41 |
GPIO adapter board | 1 | https://amzn.to/2U8KANl | 12.9 |
LoRaWAN Concentrator PG1301 | 1 | https://www.antratek.de/catalogsearch/result/?q=PG1301-868 | 109 |
GPS Antenna | 1 | included in Dragino PG1301 Set | 0 |
Noctua NF-AFx 40x40 5V PWM | 1 | https://amzn.to/391hLXi | 17.9 |
DC/DC Converter LM2596 | 1 | https://amzn.to/2U97rYQ | 7 |
DHT22 Sensor | 1 | https://amzn.to/3dk3HeU | 6 |
TX screw 2.2 x 6 (DIN 7981) | 9 | https://tinyurl.com/seofmvo | 0.2 |
TX screw 2.2 x 13 (DIN 7981) | 5 | https://tinyurl.com/seofmvo | 0.2 |
TX screw 2.2 x 18 (DIN 7981) | 4 | https://tinyurl.com/seofmvo | 0.2 |
Antenna 868MHz SMA | 1 | https://amzn.to/3bfTVss | 4.5 |
GX16 Connector | 1 | https://amzn.to/2J7OkIk | 1.7 |
Huawei E3531 GSM Stick | 1 | https://amzn.to/2J9Lcvz | 25.5 |
Housing cover | 1 | 3D printed part | 0.5 |
Mounting ring | 1 | 3D printed part | 0.5 |
Mounting ring lock | 1 | 3D printed part | 0.5 |
Ventilation grille | 1 | 3D printed part | 0.5 |
Electronics carrier | 1 | 3D printed part | 0.5 |
Spacer | 4 | 3D printed part | 0.5 |
Mounting brackets | 2 | 3D printed part | 0.5 |
231.6 |
Why 10 – 30 VDC
This (my first) gateway is mounted on the roof of my house and integrated into the LAN.
Because of the length of the cable alone, it does not make sense not to supply it with 5V.
But it should also be possible to install a GSM modem and to operate it with a small photovoltaic battery system (12/24VDC)
The gateway can then be used completely independently of other infrastructure in the field.
Building instructions
It is simple. As housing I use a 75mm sewer pipe. The length of this pipe can be adjusted to the length of the antenna. In my case a pipe with a nominal length of 250 mm is the right decision.
The 3D parts have to printed out and assembled as shown on the exploded drawing.
The Rasperry Pi, the Dragino shield and the other components are assembled as shown.
Note: The Break-out board is soldered to the Rasperry Pi from below. Certainly an unconventional solution, but the easiest one. The risc that the Pi crashes is low i guess.
The wiring is done according to the circuit diagram.

Assembly into housing
For the assembling into the tube first, the „Mounting ring“ is inserted instead of the seal in the sewer pipe and locked with the „Mounting ring lock“.
The assembled electronic module is then inserted into the prepared housing and finally closed with the ventilation grill. If a LAN cable is used, the corresponding opening in the ventilation grill must be broken out.
For the mounting on a mast I have constructed very simple brackets. You only need a few cable ties for the assembly. I recommend cable ties made of stainless steel.
Et voilà
Like always all files for free – have fun!
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